林肯纪念堂 University-凯勒护理学院 (LMU-CSON) and 志圣若瑟健康院 are excited to announce the grand opening of the new, state-of-the-art 护理 education facility at the 志圣若瑟健康院 Keeneland Health Education Center. The ceremony will take place on July 10, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., on the 4th floor of Building D, located at 1451 Harrodsburg Road, Lexington, KY, 40504.
"I am deeply honored to unveil our new state-of-the-art 护理 education facility at the 志圣若瑟健康院 Keeneland Health Education Center. This extraordinary partnership with 志圣若瑟健康院 signifies a pivotal advancement in our enduring mission to serve the health care needs of Appalachia and beyond,LMU校长Dr. 杰森·麦康奈尔. “With cutting-edge technology and innovative resources, this facility is poised to provide our 护理 students with an exceptional education and training experience, empowering them to lead and excel in the health care industry. 在一起, we are not only addressing the critical 护理 shortage but also profoundly enhancing the well-being of our communities. This is a transformative step forward in shaping a healthier future for all."
The new facility is designed to provide LMU 护理 students with the latest in medical technology and educational resources, ensuring they receive top-notch training and are well-prepared to meet the demands of the health care industry.
“在圣约瑟夫医疗中心, we recognize the need for additional opportunities for students to advance their 护理 education,梅丽莎·贝内特说, DHA, FACHE, chief operating officer/chief 护理 executive for 志圣若瑟健康院. “与澳门威尼斯人赌城合作, we are pleased to provide another avenue to fill that need, while at the same time address the persistent 护理 shortage we face not only in 肯塔基州, 但在整个美国.S.”
Key features of the new 护理 education facility in the Saint Joseph Office Park include advanced simulation labs, interactive classrooms with the latest audio-visual technology, and collaborative spaces for student interaction and group study.
“We are thrilled to open our new 护理 facility in Lexington,塔米·迪恩说, DNP, RN, CNE, LMU-Caylor护理学院院长. “这扩张, in partnership with 志圣若瑟健康院, represents our commitment to providing exceptional education and training to our 护理 students, who will go on to make significant contributions to health care in our community and beyond.”
Nursing is the largest undergraduate major at LMU and the LMU-CSON currently offers programming at six sites, including the LMU main campus in Harrogate, 田纳西州, 查塔努加的查塔努加lmu, 田纳西州, 科尔宾的lmu -科尔宾, 肯塔基州, 坦帕的LMU-Tampa, 佛罗里达, 在诺克斯维尔有两处, 田纳西州 – LMU-Cedar Bluff and the LMU Tower. 另外, LMU-CSON提供注册护士到BSN计划, the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) concentration in Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, 护理管理 and the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in a totally online format.
LMU is currently recruiting for the BSN program in Lexington. 了解更多信息, contact Lexington Coordinator of Nursing Recruitment and Advising Ethan Fultz at 伊森.fultz@odyolog.net.
The CSON offers a variety of degree options to meet nurses’ career goals including a Licensed Practical Nurse to Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN), 护理学副学士, 护理学学士(BSN), the Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with concentrations including the Family Nurse Practitioner, 护理管理, and Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and the Doctor of Nursing Practice with a Nurse Anesthesia concentration.
林肯纪念堂 University is a values-based learning community dedicated to providing educational experiences in the liberal arts and professional studies. The main campus is located in Harrogate, 田纳西州. 了解更多信息 about the undergraduate and graduate programs available at LMU, contact the Office of 招生 at 423-869-6280 or email at admissions@LMUnet.edu.
志圣若瑟健康院, 公共精神健康的一部分, is one of the largest and most comprehensive health systems in the Commonwealth of 肯塔基州 with 100 locations in 20 counties, 包括医院, 医生组, 诊所, 初级保健中心, 专业机构, home health agencies and an ambulatory Care Center. The hospitals in 志圣若瑟健康院 are Flaget Memorial Hospital, 圣约瑟夫·伯里亚, 东圣约瑟夫, 圣若瑟医院, 圣约瑟夫茉莉花, 伦敦圣约瑟夫, 圣约瑟夫斯特林山, 和圣约瑟夫东区妇女医院. In total, the health system serves patients in 35 counties statewide. 志圣若瑟健康院 is dedicated to providing a wide array of services toward a goal of building a healthier future for all. 志圣若瑟健康院 embodies a strong mission and faith-based heritage and works through local partnerships to expand access to care in the communities it serves.